jack dempsey fish

Cichlid Fish: Different Types of Cichlid Fish

Cichlid fish are some of the most popular aquarium fish and for good reason. They are easy to care for, provide plenty of entertainment, and are relatively low maintenance. In this article, we’ll explore different types of cichlid fish, their care requirements, and the best places to buy them. So whether you’re new to cichlid fish or an experienced pet owner, read on to learn everything you need to know!

jack dempsey fish

Why Are These Fish Called “Cichlids”?


Cichlids are a type of fish that are found in Africa and the Americas. They got their name from the word “cichlids,” which is Swahili for “spotted.” Cichlids are popular fish because they are easy to keep and breed, and they make great aquarium specimens. 


Some of the most commonly kept cichlids include the African cichlid, the discus cichlid, and the zebrafish. The African cichlid is a popular pet fish because it is easy to care for and can be taught to perform simple tricks. The discus cichlid is known for its spectacular showy displays with its colorful fins. The zebrafish is a popular choice among hobbyists because it is one of the few fish that can regenerate lost body parts.


The Behavior of Cichlid Fish


Cichlid fish are popular aquarium fish, and they are known for their playful and entertaining behavior. They are very active fish that enjoy lots of interaction with their surroundings.


Some of the common behaviors that cichlid fish engage in include: swimming around, darting around, swimming upside down, and stalking their prey. They also tend to play quite a lot, making bubble nests and chasing one another around.


Different Species of Cichlid Fish


There is a variety of different cichlid fish, all of which are popular in hobbyist and commercial fishing. Some of the most common types include the jack Dempsey, goldfish, tetra, Seminoles, and flower horn.


The jack dempsey fish is a tropical fish that’s found in Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Asia. It’s often used as a substitute for more expensive fish in aquariums because it grows quickly (12 to 18 inches within two years), doesn’t require much water (50 gallons per fish is sufficient), and doesn’t need special care.


Goldfish are one of the most popular types of cichlid fish because they’re easy to care for and have an interesting coloration that can change over time. They typically reach sizes of 3 to 6 inches long, but some can grow as large as 12 inches long!


Tetras are another type of cichlid that’s popular for its adult size (up to 2 feet long) and colorful fins. They’re also known for their ability to live in both fresh and saltwater environments.


Seminoles: These fish are unusual in that they have two dorsal fins – one on top of the other. They live near coral reefs and eat mostly crustaceans and small fishes. 


The flowerhorn is a brightly-colored fish that often enjoys displaying its colorful tail fins. It can also be quite territorial, so it’s important to choose a tank that will suit its specific needs if you’re planning on buying one.

jack dempsey fish



Now that you have gotten to know a little about these spectacular fish, is it time for you to add them to your aquarium?


Not only are cichlid fish fascinating, but they are also very low maintenance. The fact that all of them thrive on a diet of live foods makes them an ideal option for beginner aquarists as well. All in all, make sure you check out our list and pick the one that best suits your needs!